Combatting financial crime infographic

Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection is powered by the same technology that helps Microsoft protect more than 1 billion of its own e-commerce transactions each year, leading to hundreds of millions of dollars in savings related to fraud and increased acceptance rates for good transactions. Microsoft uses AI and analytics as a unique and powerful means of transforming fraud operations while securing against vulnerabilities. Now is the time to learn how you can protect your business against fraud.

Back to school update with Puyallup SD

Looking for best practices when it comes to creating a more inclusive, equitable, and flexible learning environment? See how one school district teamed with Microsoft Education to succeed whether learning is remote or in person. Read this blog and contact Infochola Solutions Pte Ltd to learn how we can help.

NSW: Large-scale education

The New South Wales school system faces challenges supporting their investment in education technology. Watch this video to learn how a new collaboration hub, provided by #MicrosoftTeams, has changed the landscape of teaching and learning.