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Benefits of modernization and save with Azure SQL Database

Switching from an on-premises server to Azure SQL Database Managed Instance can result in an ROI of 212% and post-migration payback within six months.

How is this possible? The brilliance behind Azure SQL Database Managed Instance is its customizability. Choose and pay for exactly the space and computing power you need, while utilizing options like Azure Hybrid Benefit and reserving capacity to save you big dollars.

Plus, the move from your on-premises server to the cloud is simple, with no need to reconfigure your applications.

We’re ready to help you get started.

top Marketing to Millennials or Gen-Z and Start Marketing

Stop Marketing to Millennials or Gen-Z and Start Marketing to Tribes

Still marketing based on traditional demographic information? “We live in a post-demographic world,” writes Kian Bakhtiari, “where patterns of behavior can no longer be predicted by age alone.” Instead, Bakhtiari, who writes about marketing with a Gen-Z and Millennial lens, says marketers need to understand tribes, which are created and fueled by a shared mindset. People’s attitudes, behaviors, and needs are the new demographics. You’ll have a deeper understanding by reading the complete article: “Stop Marketing to Millennials or Gen-Z and Start Marketing to Tribes.”